Food for Friday [Kale Salad]

Hello and Welcome to It's Life and London!

It's time for a new recipe! I prepared this yesterday because I knew that today would be a busy day and I would just want to come home, eat something deliciously healthy without having to think to much about it. I like to make this kind of meals for either stressful days or for a take away when I'm going out and I don't want to spend money in some restaurant or even if I'm going to work. This is a way for me to stick to my diet, to always eat healthy and to spend the less money as possible in food when I'm out.

Serves 2

1 carrot1 courgette
1/2 broccoli (10 small trees)
6 handful of kale
1 red pepper
5 portobello mushrooms
4 eggs
5tbsp lemon juice
1tsp flax seeds
1tsp coconut oil
olive oil
black pepper

I start by filling a small pan with water and while the pan is getting warm I wash all the vegetables and mushrooms and cut them in to small pieces. I put the chopped carrot and broccoli in the pan and leave it to boil for seven minutes. While these ingredients are boiling I put one tea spoon of coconut oil in a frying pan and warm it [*everything is cooked in all temperature]. When the coconut water is melted I put the rest of the ingredients [courgette, red pepper and mushrooms] in the frying pan. At this time the broccoli and carrots should be soft enough so you can take them out of the water and put them together with the other ingredients.
The ingredients are now being fried so it's time to soften up the kale. Put the six handful of kale in a bowl and mix it with the five table spoons of lemon juice and one spoon of olive oil. Now you'll have to get your hands in the food: massage your kale. That's right massage your kale so it can absorb the lemon juice and olive oil. This way the kale will get softer and delicious*.
When the vegetables are almost ready you can add the kale and stir it. Break the four eggs into a bowl, whisk them and throw them in the pan, mixing them well with all the ingredients.
We are almost done! Add some black pepper, stir a bit more and put your mixture in a plate.
 Top it with one tea spoon of flax seeds and olive oil. Now you can relax and enjoy your meal!

* I always thought that kale was only good when boiled or in soups but not for salads. Them I started making some experiences and turns out if you mix it with lemon juice and olive oil it gets so soft that it turn out to be delicious. Just give it a try and let me know!

This is and amazing recipe filled with good, nutritious ingredients. Helps keeping your energy levels up and takes you 10 minutes to make it.

Hope you enjoyed today's recipe. Some more posts to come about Home Inspiration [Spring decoration], Smoothies recipes and How to Organize Meals for the Week and Arround London.

You can check my Instagram for some healthy recipes and places to visit around London!



