[Oh, Super Late] Saturday Smoothies

Hello and Welcome to It's Life and London!

 I have to be honest: this post was going to be up last Saturday [or it should be] but time run away and there was no Saturday Smoothies post. So "pardon moi" for that!

Today I have two smoothies recipe to share with you: the Green and the Pink smoothie.
Saturday is the day i really enjoy having smoothie. I usually have them three to four times a week [depending on how the week is going] but I always enjoy them more on Saturday.
Why?! Because is the day of the week where I can sleep a little bit more, when I get up is not lunch time but almost so I just want to grab some fruit and veggies and blend them with coconut water. Smoothies are great because they fill me up until lunch time so I don't feel the need to snack between meals and it's a great way to eat your fruit and vegetables.
 Also some people asked me lately what "rules" do I follow to make smoothie. Well, the "rule" I follow is the Quickly grab everything from the fridge add some water ad blend rule. So no rule at all. I think that if you put together fruits and veggies that you like and add some water or coconut water you will love any smoothie.

Pink Smoothie

serves 1

1/2 banana
5 strawberries
1/4 apple
6 raspberries
1/cup coconut water

This is a super easy and tasty smoothie. And you don't even need to add any veggies. So you just need to wash all the fruit, cut it and place it inside the blender. Add the coconut water, transfer it to a glass and you are good to go. Because the smoothie is made with fruit only, you can also make this to go with your porridge or your pancakes.
Green Smoothie
serves 1

1/2 apple
6 blueberries
1/2 carrot
2 handful of spinaches
1 handful of kale
1 cup of water

Again an easy smoothie but this time with fruit and vegetables. For me this kind of smoothie [filled with veggies] is like soup, but cold raw soup and it's also tasty. If you don't like the taste of the veggies that much add 1 cup of coconut water instead and some lemon juice. 

Hope you enjoyed today's post and let me know if you try any of my recipes. Also follow me on Instagram for new recipes, ideas and days out.


